In this article, we show the application of singleCellHaystack to predict differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in a single-cell RNA-seq dataset. The input data is 1) the gene expression data and 2) the coordinates of each cell in an input space.

In this example, the gene expression data is an ordinary matrix (genes versus cells), but a Seurat object (for example) could also be used. The input space in this example will be the first principal components of the cells. singleCellHaystack predicts DEGs by looking at the “expression distribution” of a gene (i.e. the distribution in the input space of cells that express a gene).

Preparing input data

The data used in these examples can be found here. We recommend downloading the .rda file and loading it using the load() function. You can also download the individual data files separately.

#> [1] "dat.expression" "dat.pca"        "dat.tsne"

This data should include the following objects:

  • dat.expression: a matrix object with the expression of genes (rows) in each cell (columns).
  • dat.pca: the output of PCA. This data.frame contains the first 20 pricipal components (PCs).
  • dat.tsne: a data.frame with t-SNE coordinates (2D) based on the first 20 PCs.

Let’s have a look at this example dataset:

# this data contains 10,537 genes and 1,429 cells
#> [1] 10537  1429

# visualizing the cells in a t-SNE plot:
ggplot(dat.tsne, aes(x = tSNE_1, y = tSNE_2)) + geom_point()

# the t-SNE coordinates are based on the 20 PCs
dim(dat.pca) # the PCA data contains 1,429 cells and 20 PCs
#> [1] 1429   20

There are several groups of cells, although the borders between them are not clear and several might consist of additional subclusters. We can use singleCellHaystack to predict DEGs without relying on grouping of the cells into arbitrary clusters.

Running haystack on multi-dimensional coordinates

First, load the package.


Next, run haystack on the first 20 principal components. We also give the expression data as input. This example dataset is relatively small, containing 1,429 cells, so running ‘haystack’ should take just 1 to 3 minutes to finish. We also set a random seed to ensure replicability.

res.pc20 <- haystack(x = dat.pca, expression = dat.expression)
#> ### calling haystack_continuous_highD()...
#> ### Using package sparseMatrixStats to speed up statistics in sparse matrices.
#> ### Calculating row-wise mean and SD...
#> ### Filtered 0 genes with zero variance...
#> ### Using 100 randomizations...
#> ### Using 100 genes to randomize...
#> ### scaling input data...
#> ### deciding grid points...
#> ### calculating Kullback-Leibler divergences...
#> ### performing randomizations...
#> ### estimating p-values...
#> ### picking model for mean D_KL...
#> ### using natural splines
#> ### best RMSD  : 0.035
#> ### best df    : 5
#> ### picking model for stdev D_KL...
#> ### using natural splines
#> ### best RMSD  : 0.032
#> ### best df    : 10
#> ### returning result...

Let’s have a look at the most significant DEGs. The gene with the strongest differential expression is Cd53. We can plot the expression and detection of this gene using the plot_gene_haystack function. From the t-SNE plots we can see that Cd53 is expressed in cells at the bottom left. In contrast, the expression of Top2a is limited to a different subset of cells, on the right.

show_result_haystack(res.haystack = res.pc20, n = 10)
#>                     D_KL log.p.vals log.p.adj
#> Cd53          0.08172190  -64.78888 -60.76616
#> Shisa5        0.03972582  -62.84831 -58.82559
#> H2-K1         0.04427821  -60.10620 -56.08348
#> Gimap4        0.11147736  -52.47112 -48.44840
#> Ms4a4b        0.09291971  -50.40240 -46.37968
#> Top2a         0.03324626  -48.09147 -44.06875
#> Evl           0.05532307  -47.88664 -43.86392
#> 2810417H13Rik 0.02536247  -47.83085 -43.80813
#> Ifi27l2a      0.05388583  -47.82993 -43.80721
#> Ccnd2         0.10407929  -47.80352 -43.78081

# prepare a data.frame for plotting
d <- cbind(dat.tsne, t(dat.expression))
d[1:4, 1:4]
#>                                tSNE_1      tSNE_2    Mrpl15    Lypla1
#> 10X_P7_11_AAACCTGAGACAGGCT -10.461888 -11.4182096 2.0819393 0.0000000
#> 10X_P7_11_AAACCTGAGAGTCTGG   7.392279  -5.2816862 0.5902685 0.3380684
#> 10X_P7_11_AAACCTGCAGGAATGC -19.930710   0.3160883 0.0000000 0.0000000
#> 10X_P7_11_AAACCTGGTACCGTAT -16.321436  15.4128833 1.5215021 1.5215021

# plotting gene Cd53
ggplot(d, aes(tSNE_1, tSNE_2, color=Cd53)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="Spectral") +

# plotting gene Top2a
ggplot(d, aes(tSNE_1, tSNE_2, color=Top2a)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_distiller(palette="Spectral") +

Clustering and visualization

Next, let’s take the top 1000 DEGs, and cluster them by their expression pattern in the input space (first 20 PCs). Here we use hclust_haystack, which uses hierarchical clustering. Alternatively, we could use kmeans_haystack for k-means clustering.

# get the 1000 most significant DEGs, and cluster them by their distribution pattern in the 2D plot
sorted.table <- show_result_haystack(res.haystack = res.pc20, n = 1000)
gene.subset <- row.names(sorted.table)

# cluster the genes by their expression pattern in the input space using hierarchical clustering
res.hc <- hclust_haystack(dat.pca, dat.expression[gene.subset, ], grid.coordinates=res.pc20$info$grid.coordinates)
#> ### collecting density data...

hclust_haystack returns as result a hclust tree, which we can cut into clusters using the cutree function. Here, we arbitrarily set the number of clusters to 5.

res.hc.clusters <- cutree(res.hc, k=5)
#> res.hc.clusters
#>   1   2   3   4   5 
#>  88  90 605 188  29

While some clusters contain hundreds of genes, others are quite small.

Next, let’s calculate the average expression of the genes in each cluster.

for (cluster in unique(res.hc.clusters)) {
  d[[paste0("cluster_", cluster)]] <- colMeans(dat.expression[names(which(res.hc.clusters == cluster)), ])

Let’s run through the 5 clusters and plot their averaged detection pattern using plot_gene_set_haystack, which is similar to plot_gene_haystack but uses a set of genes as input instead of just 1 gene.

lapply(c("cluster_1", "cluster_2", "cluster_3", "cluster_4", "cluster_5"), function(cluster) {
  ggplot(d, aes(tSNE_1, tSNE_2,[[cluster]])) +
  geom_point() +
}) |> patchwork::wrap_plots()

As we can see from these plots, each cluster has a distinct pattern. Some clusters have high expression over a broad range of cells, while cluster 5 is limited to a smaller subset.

#> Cd53 
#>    1

The most significant DEG, Cd53, was clustered into cluster 1. Comparing its expression pattern (see above) with that of each cluster, we can indeed see that it fits most closely with that cluster.